Grand Ma Traditional Martial Arts Chicago School Black Belt Testing was this past Saturday December 17th, 2016. Congratulations to Major who tested for his 4th Dan/Sa Bum Nim and Tim who tested for his 1st Dan/Jo Kyo Nim.
Master Maurice Roberts is a 5th degree black belt that began training in Hapkido under the Kido Association under Grandmaster K.S. Hyun in Chicago. He continued his training under Master Hyun Bae You, who was a Kuk Sool Won and Hapkido master, trained under In Sun Seo. After Master You relocated out of state, he trained, and continues to train under the founders of The World JunTong MooSool, Grandmaster Chu S. Ma and Grandmaster Beoyong Ma.
Our system focuses on the traditional practice of Kuk Sool-Hapkido, with special attention to the application of self defense. The training is centered around creating balance within self, while harmonizing with the things outside of self that disrupts the unification of mind, body, and spirit.